Thursday, June 4, 2009

She's free!!

We took Hailey to KC to get her brace off today. It went well. Her therapist met us @ the apt with the surgeon and Hailey showed off and reached up to touch her ear and her ponytail with her right hand right after taking the brace off! She is weak though. Six weeks immobilized and not moving at all definently shows! She has gotten so used to doing everything one handed now that we are having to remind her to use her right hand. ... which reminds me of the old days when that hand didn't work well and she didn't use it much at all. Her movement is stiff, as her arm is stiff and like I said pretty weak. But we have physical therapy one to two times per week in Parsons and once a month we will go to KC for occupational therapy at Children's Mercy.
It is so nice to have my snuggly little girl back. I just held her so much of the day today... at lunch when she snuggled against me, in the car on the way home I sat in the back with her and we napped togehter (when she wasn't holding my hand) and this evening when we got home she wanted me to rock her. It was nice to not have anything in between us anymore- I guess I had not looked at it that way until the brace was gone and I realized how much closer I can get to her again. She fits into the curve of my side as we sit and rock together, and if feels like normal! It was hard to hold her before and we both enjoyed things being back to normal today!

So... I am thinking that the brace was the easy part. Now the hard work begins- with therapy. The surgeon said we will be able to tell in about 4 to 6mo how successful the surgery was.

Thank you everyone for your prayers during this time in her little life. Through the surgery and the 6 weeks post op I know we have had many dear friends and family praying for us, for her and I am very thankful to you for that! Our prayers were answered as she sailed right through like a champ and the time flew by as she recovered! Please keep her in your prayers as she works to build up her new muscles.

Love and blessings to you all,

(promise, pictures tomorrow! :))

1 comment:

TeresaG said...

You promised pics?? You know I want to see some, lol.