Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crazy summer!!!

Hailey finally got her pool!! Thank you to her Nanna's and Papa's for pitching in on a pool for her to get her recommended daily therapy!! She is loving it! The first day she was a bit scared... had to have her floaties and her ring on and was nervous. But by day two she had her floaties off and is climbing the ladder and going under water (nose plugged of course)

when I told Hailey that all her nanna's and papa's went in together to buy her that pool- you should have seen the look on her face! It was shock and surprise and a huge smile!! She said "I didn't tell them thank you!.... I gotta tell them thank you!!" It was so sweet- I am glad that she has a thankful spirit, and I hope she keeps it!

And this is my little dare devil!! He will scale anything!!! He has climbed up onto the kitchen table, and his new favorite place is to climb up into my desk chair (that rolls and swivels)... sometimes he crawls up there to just 'work' on the computer, sometimes to just stand, and sometimes (like the picture below) he crawls up there and dances!!!

1 comment:

TeresaG said...

Yea!!! I have been waiting so long!! I am so glad they are enjoying the pool. Teagan is a beautiful baby, of course how could he not be, with his momma as beautiful as she is. Love and Kisses Momma