Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Picture of the day...

... Look! It's Hayden!! In all his handsomeness. Drinking down his sisters CapriSun! (Just in case you thought maybe he was MIA since he hasn't had a picture surface on here for a while.)

And now some of Hailey...

Here she is jumping off the side and into the kiddie pool- Look at her go!!

And here's Ally and Gina who went and played at the pool today too- The girls had so much fun!!

And I've got a sunburn... go figure!! But it was worth it! After all, Haileys Dr. and OT told her to swim everyday... yes that's right... daily.... blah. Don't know that I can handle that much sun and that much stress everyday trying to keep two kids above water and from drowning in a public pool!!! LOL

Have a great day!!


TeresaG said...

Hayden is just too cute, and the pic of Hailey mid air is awesome. Love You Momma

Unknown said...

Looks like you all had a blast! Wish we were there. We would go swimming with you. And I have one piece of advice for you my beautiful PALE SKINNED sister...SUNSCREEN! lol. Hope you didn't burn too bad. I miss you all so much. Hugs and kisses to you all!