Monday, September 22, 2008

Teething...Training... and Teenagers... OH MY!

Today is a day to record in the baby books- for both Hayden and Hailey! I found something new in Hayden's mouth today as he sucked on my finger from the backseat while I was driving.... his first tooth! Yes, he has finally broke through his gums with one little razor sharp tooth. He has been working so hard these last three to four months, what with all the drooling, and chewing and drooling and chewing and drooling, that poor baby was due for a sign of progress and we got it today! So Yay for Hayden!!! He has been requiring at least three to four shirt/outfit changes a day due to the soaking of his clothes with drool, and the bibs just delay the inevitalbe costume change...poor baby has had a rash on his chest and under his neck from the constant moisture- the only thing I can think of to remedy the situation is to hang him upside down, but don't think that is really an option! So maybe now he will get a bit of a break before the next one comes in..

Next item on the list for the day is a potty training update: Hailey wore her 'big girl panties' all day after naptime today and did not make one mess!!! NO ACCIDENTS all day, and after her bath tonight she said she wanted to try to sleep in her panties and not put a diaper on...(I am wondering what we will wake up to in the morning.) She is very proud of herself (and loving the M&M's she gets for a prize each time). So Yay for Hailey! What a big day for both my growing little ones... and on Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary at that.

I tel you what, it's a good thing Tyler is mostly house trained and has all his teeth, I don't think I can handle much more excitement in one day! :~) Oh, but there is one thing... I just about forgot... he is grounded from his computer :~( for his grades and lack of 'doing and turning in homework' skills. He is experiencing some tough love right now, but he's doing alright with it.... he knew the rules and the consequences for not taking care of his school work... he is really doing well overall though, he only had two classes that he needs to really work on and it really boils down to applying himself more. I am proud of him, he has made alot of changes in his life lately, and is trying to sort out who he is and what he wants which is a pretty big job for anyone, much less a 16 year old boy. So, please keep him in your prayers as he continues to adjust and search for what his 'truth' is. (And pray for me that I don't choke him when he doesn't flush the toilet, or leaves the kitchen cabinet doors open ) :~)

Love to all,

1 comment:

Edwards Family said...

I remember when....

You are doing a great job! Sometimes it just needs to be heard. Teeth are a pain, potty training is no fun at all, and certainly the hardest task of all is tough love...just remember all three are worth it!!! :~)