Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Conversations via blogspot :)

So...how are you today? What's going on with you? How are the kids? the job? the weather? How you feeling? ......................
My real quesiton is: How do you have a one sided conversation? That is what I am struggling with... I have been wanting to post something, but I am having a hard time figuring out what, and I just figured out the reason why...blogging is like having a one sided conversation. You are basically typing about things that you would normally say to someone else if 1) they were to ask, and 2) give you the opportunity to answer fully .... but even though you get the chance to answer in one great big windy, run on answer... you can't ask any questions of them...you can't inquire into their life, their thoughts, their view. You can't pick up on body language as they hear your stories, or facial features, or tone in their voice. You don't know if they are laughing, crying, bored, indifferent, or even reading it at all.... there is no true communication... it is all one sided, lop sided, 'my sided' and that's kind of weird. It is just unnatural! MUST HAVE FEEDBACK!! And so I thought that today I will ramble a bit about nothing really, because well, that is the beauty of a blog is that you can...without interuption, without anyone really being able to send you any clues whatsoever that they have no interest whatsoever in what you are saying..... So, go ahead, roll your eyes, get up for a drink or snack, scan the blog for important content and then move on when you see none... that's fine with me,really, after all it is just me sitting here typing right?..... and everyone else sleeps.....

I wanna talk about procrastination - because there are allot of things I am putting off right now as I sit here in front of the enticing glow of my pc monitor...first there is the laundry that I realized just today is so out of hand that it just might mutate and eat my whole family in the middle of the night if I don't get it seperated and in the dreaded assembly line also known as 'wash week' (cause with a baby, toddler and teenager 'wash day' just won't cut it!). So, the dryer is running...... The second thing I am avoiding is the dinner dishes.... meatloaf night, it was yummy!.... but the smell coming from the kitchen of the caked on grease in the meatloaf pan is truly tormenting me and I HAVE to get it scrubbed and clean before I go off to bed....but here I sit, stalling........ Number three on the list of things I need to be doing right this minute is my bible study homework. We have homework every night for five nights total per week, and I am about three and a half days through and bible study is @ 9 am tomorrow...yeah, need to get busy on that. Okay, what else is there to do.... planning for our 1st annual family Halloween party.. (wanna come?).... or maybe I could be working on web design for the All About You website I am currently 'webmastering' (check it out allaboutyou7.com).... or wake up my husband who is asleep on the couch and carry him to bed and tuck him in :).......
yeah I am a bit of a mess tonight with too much to do and no motivation to do it!! ever have those days? those nights? surely not! Ever left the dinner dishes? (Mom, I know your answer is no... you don't count!), ever forgot wet clothes in the washer? ever think that just having everyone fed, bathed, content and asleep is enough of a task in itself and therefore you should get a 'pass' on everything else? Well I do, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way...cause if I don't do it, nobody else is gonna do it... and I don't want to wake up tomorrow to a 'meat loaf kitchen nightmare', and wrinkled clothes...
And so, I guess I will hit the power button, and go have a one sided conversation with the dishwasher, then do the laundry shuffle quick talk, and then off to a very sleepy, rushed 'quiet time' with my bible homework (Lord forgive me for my unwillingness to obey and get up early and meet you at my kitchen table for coffee... I am working on it!) .... So Goodnight and until next time~
Love and Blessings,


bridgetmcclure said...

Girl, you are so silly! I will always be on the other end reading all the things that you write! :) And I give you a pass on all that stuff cause God knows I could use one too! Hope you found more hours in the day to do it all.

Edwards Family said...

pardon me while I scream at Zach....


Second of all, laundry is forever..I know this truth hurts deep, but it is truth. Laundry is and will forever be on the daily list. I cry with you.

Third, the dishes. I have always imagined that some man invented the dishwasher for the simple fact that he feared his own life. I am almost positive that a woman snapped one night with the idea of cleaning up the kitchen after being in the kitchen to prepare the food that took hours and was consumed in 10 minutes. NOTE TO SELF: A DISHWASHER IS A VERY GOOD THING.

Fourth-Meet Him at the kitchen table first thing in the morning...and say good night to him as you lay your head on your pillow. Life is too hard to do anything different.

You are an amazing wife and mother...and the compassion that God has placed in your heart is no accident.