Thursday, September 25, 2008

Please pray....

God puts us right where he wants us, right when he wants us there... regardless of our protests, our whining or our questioning. Almost a year ago when it became apparent that the Lord wanted Zack and I to move our family to Galesburg I was surprised and a bit resistant.. And though I questioned him then, I am praising him now. I have been, and my whole family has been so blessed by us moving closer to the Burnett family.(they are right across the road) Debbie and Jesse have become like another set of parents to Zack and I and grandparents to my children. Zack and Dave have been best friends for many years, and so Debbie and Jesse had taken him in years ago like he was their son, and when me and the kids came along, they just took us in too (as they do most all other strays :~) It has been a blessing to us, and has been a blessing to them... you see Jesse got sick a few years ago with a disease called Devics Syndrome- and due to that he is paralyzed from the waist down. He went from a working, farming healthy man, to being bound to a chair.(motorized of course) He has undergone so many medical procedures, hospitalizations, medications, testing, traveling to other hospitals, even other states. I cannot even begin to tell you, mainly because I don't even know all that he and Debbie have endured and done along the way these last few years, but I do know that it has not been easy- for either of them. Jesse sits in his chair everyday looking out at his animals and farm equipment and at all the things that need to be done, and all the things that need to be fixed, and yet all he can do is sit and watch and wish he could get up to do it himself. Dave helps allot to keep the farm going. And Zack helps also when needed, they are building fence right now, working on vehicles when they break, and before that it was building a corral, and vaccinating cows, and on and on... Deb (along with her three jobs) researches new medicines, new procedures and prays prays prays for a miracle, for healing and for him to not give up hope. Of all the things I don't know, I do know that this disease is a cousin to MS, and it could very well spread up his body. He has terrible mucsle spasms, and pain everyday. He has to take quite a mix of daily medication and feels sick allot, but these things I only know becuase mom (Deb) tells me, I have never heard him complain, never seen him appear to be sick. He wouldn't let on...he is a man's man, doesn't want to draw attention to himself, ask for or even need special treatment.

So, now for the prayer needs- they are going back to Mayo Clinic (in Minnesota) this Sunday. They are going up there to see if he could possibly be a candidate for a stem cell transplant. This will be their second trip, as they went about a year and a half ago or so. They were supposed to be up there for a week last time, and ended up being there for a month. For this trip, they have no idea how long they will stay- could be a day if he is not a good candidate for stem cell. Could be weeks or longer if he is and they go through with the processes and procedures that are involved. I am going over tommorrow to help mom prepare the house by cleaning and get the van packed up (yes, they are driving), we will be helping to take care of the house and the pets (6 dogs, 5 cats, 2 goats, 2 donkeys, 1 miniature horse, chickens and cows) along with Dave/Gina and Kyra/Marc. We will all have our assigned duties while mom and dad are away.

I am asking that you pray for their trip, travel mercies so that they arrive safe and sound without incident or delays. I pray for their spirits as they face the unknown, and as they leave their home for an unknown amount of time. I pray for progress, for healing, for a miracle for Jesse. I know that our God who healed so many sick while he walked this earth, still heals today, and I pray that Jesse would recieve that truth, that his hope would be renewed and his spirit lifted to a place where in faith he could reach up and ask and believe God for healing, and know that even if God does not heal him in his earthly body, he will be healed in heaven, and will walk again..with his Father. Please pray also for Debbie to have strength and peace as she prepares for the journey and this unknown time of waiting and hoping. She is having a really hard time at the thought of leaving her family, her babies. I pray for her spirit to be renewed as well, she has grown weary, as we all would when dealing with such a disease and such a dramatic lifestyle change as they have undergone in the past few years. And I know there are so many other needs that I am missing- as I am no prayer warrior yet- but I just ask that you pray that the Lord our God will fullfill their every need as their Father, protector, healer, comforter, teacher, provider, their hope, their salvation, their victory!

Thank you for lifting up these two who are so dear to us.
In His name,

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