Monday, September 8, 2008

Adventures in potty training and solid foods...

Our most recent adventures... trying to get Hailey out of diapers, and going on the 'big girl potty' and trying to get Hayden to eat baby food and give his poor nursing mother a break!!! Needless to say, its messy at our house these days! We will start with the messiest part... house training Hailey! Our landlords said NO PETS, they had just put in all new carpet and flooring after the last tenants and so they were not going to chance any more pet problems...and the last couple of days I have wondered if a potty training two year old falls under that category! Bless her heart, she really is doing a very good job, she gets to the potty more often than she doesn't, but the times she gets busy watching cartoons or playing... she leaves puppy puddles. And she hollers at me from right where she is standing, pee trickling down her skinny little legs, and says "Mommy! Me PEE!" ( and the laundry multiplies!) So I brought out the reinforcements, Hershey's chocolate kisses for her special 'prize' when she goes! and then the kicker, I unpacked the singing potty chair! It has a motion sensor and sings a Ta-Da tune when anything passes through. So, today she has been peeing in the kitchen, in her potty chair of course. I am wondering if I need to use it like puppy pads, you know start moving it closer and closer to the bathroom and sit it next to the BIG toilet?.. Heck I don't know, this is my first rodeo with big girl panties and celebrating with the pee pee dance! I am used to being able to rub their nose in it and throw them outside (real puppies of course) and I am just not sure that will get the job done with this house training... wish us luck!

Now for Hayden... he is hungry, growing boy, that grabs at all food and drink in anyone elses hand. He eyeballs it, reaches for it, and will even put it in his mouth. But as soon as he realizes it doesn't taste quite like momma milk... he's done. So we have been working on (wasting) the baby food. And he is messy!! He is finally letting me get some in his mouth without clamping his jaws shut after the first bite! But the thing is that he wants to do it himself, and he really does a pretty good job considering he is only six months. Yesterday we tried peaches for the first time, I have posted a picture of him right before I put him in the kitchen sink. The best part of the day is that while I am trying to get him cleaned up and wash the peaches out of his ears, hair, and everywhere else, Hailey needs to potty, and needs a clean pair of panties, and wants to potty again because she wants another chocolate kiss, and I am up to my eyeballs in baby food, and pee and kids hollerin and crying and needing cleaned up! Sounds like time to start trying for number three!!! Ha Ha, just kidding, not funny.... FORGET IT! Stick a fork in this momma, I am done. But I am loving every minute... even through the chaos, it is great fun. The next adventure we have planned for sometime this week is finger painting! I will let you know how it goes.

Love and Blessings


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