Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I hit 100!

Can you believe that I have posted 100 rambling blogs? Me neither! but I have. And I know it's been a few days, but I have something for you today. It's a picture of my beautiful sister Lisa from their visit last weekend. She asked me to take a few shots for a special project and so I used her as a test dummy to try my hand at a silhouette shot. And I think I got it!!! ... yes she has clothes on if you are wondering. And I know you can't see her face or any other details but that's the point.... just the outline... just the way it is. Tell me what you think... am thinking of trying this with a maternity session- am thinking it would show off a ripe belly just beautifully!!!

Well, have a great thursday!!


1 comment:

TeresaG said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!!