Monday, February 22, 2010

{ My Cheri }

I don't know how else to title this sneak peek... but My Cheri. In some indescribable way I knew things about her the moment I first heard her speak- I was drawn in by her words and her voice- by how, when she spoke the name of Jesus it was with such tenderness and awe you knew that she was sold-out-in-love with Him. I knew that she was different. I just knew. The first time I heard her teach our bible study we were strangers, but over the course of the last year we have become friends. She is like my Beth Moore- I could sit at her feet all day and learn from her- soak up all the wisdom she had to pass on about life, motherhood, of the Word and of God's grace and love. And the funniest thing is... she thinks I'm something special. Me. I don't know why, but she does. When I talk- she listens. She really listens. She hears more than I say. She is such a blessing to me. I am thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to know her and call her friend. My Cheri. =}


Cheri Bunch said...

Teresa! Your sweet words humble me to pieces! I love you so much! Your words are a unexpected special gift to me ...

Your Cheri

Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

Cute pics of Cheri! I found your blog again!...Now I can stalk you...I mean "follow" you! hee hee