Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hailey Faith sat on a wall, Hailey Faith had a great fall....

Yep, that's right, Humpty Dumpty is the nursery rhyme of the week around here... Why you ask? well, because that emergency I was referring to in Wednesday's post was when Hailey took a flying leap, or a fall six feet down, off a retaining wall and onto concrete. Head first of course. And all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't get Hailey to lay still for the CT scan at the hospital!!! After we finally got the scans they needed we were informed that she has a minor skull fracture. Yep, that's right, she cracked her egg. Just like good old Humpty Dumpty! I am not making light of the situation, trust me, Zack and I were terrified along with Hailey. We flew to the hospital with flashers a flying and topping out on the speedometer. She had to stay overnight in the hospital for observation, but was able to come home the next day. The small linear fracture that she has will heal on its own in time, and her brain is still completely safe from any swelling or bleeding. So to all of you that got my frantic text message asking for prayer, thank you for lifting up my sweet Hailey, I believe whole heartedly that he heard us- the outcome could have been a million times worse.

Well, its late and I am trying not to fall asleep sitting up, as I try to finish writing this post... so I am giving it up for the night... Have a great Friday everyone!


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