Saturday, January 31, 2009

What a week..

It has been quite a week around here. I say that, but then you'll start to think there has been all kind of goings on and things happening you will be disappointed to know that all that happended was sickness. But there was lots of it! Hayden got sick a week ago today with a fever.. and I won't go into the long, drawn out details, I will just say that he ended up getting Roseola (viral rash) and RSV at the same time. There were quite a few days this last week that he didn't really even move much, and when he did he whimpered. It was soooo sad, and nothing makes a momma feel more helpless than when their babies are sick. And, of course, being as Hayden is such a good brother, he shared with his big sister! So, Hailey is sick now too. (I am monitoring her coughing from her bedroom as I type) They have both been hacking their little heads off these last two days, and I have been chasing them around the house with a kleenex box, trying to keep the neon green snot sludge from dripping into their mouths or onto the carpet!! I know its a tough job, but someone's gotta do it... and it's usually a momma!

Am sharing with you all our new family picture. It was the picture we had taken at church for the Church directory, and I must say that I am impressed, it turned out pretty nice. It's been a while since Lifetouch has taken any of my pictures!!

So, did you notice the new look? What do you think? I had such a hard time choosing, that I just might have to put up another one this week, just for fun... dress up for blogs.. how pathetic am I?!!!

On the work side of things I had three sessions this week/weekend that I had to cancel due to the sickness, so hopefully I can get those rescheduled soon, and I will be sharing some sneak peeks with you. One session is Brylee and Mae those sweet little baby twin girls that were born this last month... so stay tuned for those shots, I just can't wait!!!

Well, that's enough rambling for now. I just wanted to give an update, and let you all know that I am still here... have just been a bad blogger and going to bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying up all night working (playing) and blogging.

Will also be announcing some new things offered from Wright Photography... so stay tuned for that info also!


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