Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mission 'Binky Removal' almost complete....

Well I would like to apologize to any who have heard the distant sound of someone torturing a small child, it is probably coming from our house.... Hailey is giving up her binky this week. By force of course. We boxed up the binkies and sent them away to little tiny babies that still need binkies. After all Hailey is a 'big girl' now and doesn't need them anymore. So, in the spirit of Christmas we boxed them up and gave them away. She was hesitant at first, but she does love to take care of her babies... (that's how I conned her into it..) so she picked out a couple of bows for the box and wrote on it and then we put it on the front porch for the mailman to take and deliver. Later when she was really tired and thinking she needed a binky for comfort, she wasn't so sure it was such a good idea and wanted me to go buy some more. She wasn't so concerned about those little babies needing binkies because she needed it even more. Then came the screaming... so needless to say it has been an interesting couple of days. She has had her moments of complete meltdown, but surprisingly enough bedtime has been pretty easy. So, we are on day four now and she hasn't asked for it all day... I think I can see the light at the end of this tunnel. I am ready for the mission of 'binky removal' to be complete. I was just sure she was going to start college with a binky in her mouth. After the trouble Hailey has had growing out of hers, I am very glad Hayden is not a binky baby... weaning him from the breast might be just as hard though... sigh..... :~(

Love and Blessings,

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