Sunday, November 16, 2008


Okay, as I just posted my fourth post for the week, that was again, all pictures... I had a thought occur to me that maybe not everyone knew why in the world I am posting these 'proofs' and talking about 'shoots'.... well I am officially in the start up stages of Wright Photography. I am jumping in head first without a net and am having a blast doing it! I am very excited to get this opportunity to chase my dream of one day having my own studio and be a 'professional' photographer. (don't really know what qualifies as professional :~)
Keep an eye out for my official web site coming soon to a computer near you... It should be up and running within the next two days. I have put together some very reasonable (okay, down right cheap) Christmas packages for the holidays so give me a call if you are in the market for some pictures of the kids, the family, the dog... whatever, I am wanting to get as many people in front of my camera as possible... you need the pictures and I need the practice!! So that's why I will be bombarding the blog world with pictures from now on... it's the sneak peeks and teasers.... Call now!.. the available days are going fast... and Christmas is coming even faster!

T.Ruth Wright

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